ECU Question: Why Piggy-back, Not Re-flash?

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As asked in the subject, why piggy-back, not re-flash?

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Nunya_Binnez wrote:As asked in the subject, why piggy-back, not re-flash?

So you can be charged over $400 for something that has questionable benefits.

Wish someone would come up with a flashable mod - but only if it really makes a significant improvement.
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Piggybacking has some significant advantages because you are not redoing the stock programming, just tweaking the sensor signals as they come in. In order to reflash, you basically have to decrypt the entire ECU system, and for the few number of Kizashi out there, the return on investment for that work would not justify it.
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Ya know what, gawww?

I can appreciate someone with a difference of opinion, but you're just flat out annoying. Ask ANYONE on this forum that has the piggyback installed whether or not they feel a noticeable upgrade and we all say the same thing. But then there's you who I noticed in multiple threads now as constantly bashing the CVT Kizashi as well as stating that those of us who actually have these products as only "subjective" opinions and not worthy of holding any weight. Just who do you really think you are anyway?

Quite frankly I'm sick of it. No one here bashed you for your "subjective" opinion of the tires you bought, so stop being a forum troll, trade in this car you're apparently so disappointed in (apparently you must not have taken your Kizashi for a test drive before buying it), and go get a life.

To everyone else, I'm sorry for posting that--normally I can let things go, but it's to the point that I'm sick of hearing know-it-alls constantly throwing their comments up there like they know what they're talking about. I'm not here to tell anyone whether or not to buy this or that, but I'm fine with recommending or not recommending something--ultimately its up to the individual. And that's why we're here in this Kizashi forum--to share our experiences and to ask questions.
2011 Suzuki Kizashi Sport GTS AWD
Platinum Silver Metallic

Suzuki Roof Rack (by Whisbar)
Suzuki Sunroof Wind Deflector
RRM Short Ram Intake
RRM Piggyback ECU
RRM Carbon Fiber Bumper Cap
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I have maybe gotten a bit frustrated with total silence on "where-is-the beef" on thes supposed upgrades (except the turbo - obviously that thing screams). This is not directed at whether or not you buy the car, but whether or not you fork out several hundred $ to RRM or anyone else without any concrete evidence of the benefits.

This would be dyno sheets, or possibly even accurate 0-60 times for ECU/intake equipped vehicle. So far - zero of the above - just talk.

PS - in response to the tone of your above poet - if you could not stand the emotional shock of finding out you poured over $600 down a rat-hole - that is your problem. For those who have not - be careful. The closest thing I got to the "beef" was from a tech at RRM that said the dyno sheets were available, and that they indicated about 5-7 hp for each of these mods.

So for everyone else - if almost $700 is OK for 10-14 hp combined - then go for it with your eyes fully open.

As for fixing the lag - if it did, given RRM's high degree of product promotion - they would be touting it all over the place.
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Wow, just when I thought you had an ounce of class, there you go again with your "p.s. -blah, blah blah statement". Clearly you're one of those types who always thinks he's right and feels the need to have the last word.

Look, no one here blames you for wanting to see a dyno sheet. But what you fail to undestand is that RRM doesn't have a CVT Kizashi on hand. They're a relatively small shop and do not specialize in just the Kizashi. They manly focus on Mitsu's but decided to branch out with a bunch of other products for other cars. Heck, they also restore cars, so if you've ever worked in a small shop you can understand that ROCK's statement of having misplaced it is probably complete truth.

Additionally, look at Rob's racing creds, most tuner shops don't have any of that. We're lucky that Suzuki USA decided to go to him 'cause no one else is taking a chance on our beloved Kizashi. I'm greatful there's a company who cares about our car. Heck, I wish I lived closer because he's even asked for someone local to contact him so he can try things out on the Kizashi... problem is there's not many Kizashis sold throughout the USA period, and even fewer of Kizashi buyers that want to upgrade it (it's a great little car as stock).

RRM has never hid their claims of the CVT Kizashi making a bit over 200 hp if you install the SRI, Piggyback ECU, Power Pulley, and the Catback exhaust. So yeah, my car feels like it has about 10-15 more hp now and it's much, much more responsive. So your statement about me feeling emotional shock is funny. Too bad I'm very happy with my RRM SRI and Piggyback--so much so that I've already ordered the Power Pulley, Catback Exhaust, and CF Bumper cover. So go ahead, say what you want, but I can't wait to have them installed.
2011 Suzuki Kizashi Sport GTS AWD
Platinum Silver Metallic

Suzuki Roof Rack (by Whisbar)
Suzuki Sunroof Wind Deflector
RRM Short Ram Intake
RRM Piggyback ECU
RRM Carbon Fiber Bumper Cap
RRM Lightweight Power Pulley
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You are the chump that made it personal - so don't talk about class.

I learn from my mistakes, and I learn from others when they are shared. I made a mistake with the tires (more expensive than your mistake), and I shared it. Since you apparently were not around here when all this started, you may not be aware that RRM their hands on these cars early on. They also had dyno sheets I was told on the phone with their shop - but will not share them - why? They posted results on the turbo dyno sheets however.

I spent quite a bit of time researching the final drive ratios of the CVT versus the manual trans (as I was hopeful then of a possible fix), which pretty clearly explained the problem. The recent post of the Kizashi versus the Altima clearly demonstrated the problem, with the Kizashi holding its own on a rolling start, but being left in the dust from a standing start.

It is hard to believe that Suzuki would deliberately have set up the curves to cause the lag. If it is as appears - gear ratio - it explains why they have not corrected it also.

If I piss you off because I want to help others avoid mistakes - I don't care. If the Piggyback REALLY fixed the lag, and only generated 7hp - I might still go for it - primarily for the lag.
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Think about what you just said. According to you it's okay for YOU to share your experiences with others on this forum, because you're trying to help others. That's all me and the others that have bought the Piggyback ECU and Short Ram Intake are doing--sharing our experience. But for some reason that's not good enough for you. No, you NEED a dyno or a 0-60 vid or else we must be making it up...yep, ALL of us. Ridiculous.

Again, no one here questioned whether or not it was really your driving skills in the snow and not the tires you bought. Those tires got great reviews, but realizing that some tires are good on some cars and not others, I valued your feedback. But you haven't given not just me, but the rest of the folks who bought these products, any credit. So yes, I take that personal when you're constantly trying to disprove our comments (based on real experience) with your theories.

Again, there's nothing wrong with asking for some proof in addition, but to discredit us because we're not a videoproduction studio isn't right. If I'm able find a safe way to record a 0-60 time without risking an accident or a ticket (where I live it's not that easy to find a flat stretch of road that's not in a town or on a congested roadway), I'll be more than happy to post it. But like I said before, I'm very happy with my RRM SRI and Piggyback ECU and ordered the other items this morning. I'm not rich, so readers, take that for what it's worth.
2011 Suzuki Kizashi Sport GTS AWD
Platinum Silver Metallic

Suzuki Roof Rack (by Whisbar)
Suzuki Sunroof Wind Deflector
RRM Short Ram Intake
RRM Piggyback ECU
RRM Carbon Fiber Bumper Cap
RRM Lightweight Power Pulley
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Since you never are wrong, you will never learn form your mistakes - so will repeat them.

I also recommend you purchase a set of the Conti tires I panned - since I do not know what I am talking about. What better choice could you possibly make on this one?

MODERATOR - do your job - go back to the first post in this string of garbage and delete all - just messing up the forum for everyone!

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LMAO! Felt the need to try to boss the moderator, eh? You must have some serous control issues or maybe insecuries. Whatever it is, I never said I didn't make mistakes, but I won't sit by and have you bad-mouth my and numerous others opinions and experiences just because you don't want to believe us. If you don't believe us, fine. But stop bashing our opinions in every performance-based thread. When someon asks about whatever product that we happen to have installed, we're going to share our experience, good or bad--that's what this forum is for.
2011 Suzuki Kizashi Sport GTS AWD
Platinum Silver Metallic

Suzuki Roof Rack (by Whisbar)
Suzuki Sunroof Wind Deflector
RRM Short Ram Intake
RRM Piggyback ECU
RRM Carbon Fiber Bumper Cap
RRM Lightweight Power Pulley
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