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Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:48 pm
by kevvvinc
@johnhenrydale To turn off the esp, hold the button for less than ten seconds. That will do the trick. Just make sure you have space to play ;). BTW, where in the world is that beautiful road so I can go have some rally-esque fun with my Kizashi. What tires do you have on your car for the winter?

Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:17 pm
by johnhenrydale
Here's the first video, which leads up to the one above:


Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:39 am
by johnhenrydale
Huh. I'm starting to wonder if I actually have the ESP installed on this car. Is it optional on the SLS ? because I don't see the button to the left of the steering wheel. I've got the AWD selection button, The Parking Sensor button, and the Fog LIght button, but the 4th button to the left is just black, not labeled and doesn't depress. Do you guys know if that's possible ? I could have sworn I felt the ESP kicking in while driving in the video above, but I don't see anywhere to disable it in my car?

Any ideas @kevvvinc or @kuronekko ?


Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:47 am
by bootymac
Looks like an amazing playground! Needs more handbrake though :P

Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:34 am
by johnhenrydale
DOH ! Never mind re: ESP button. It's above the fog lights button. I was looking for a button that said "ESP" on it and missed it right in front of my face !

Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:46 am
by KuroNekko
johnhenrydale wrote:DOH ! Never mind re: ESP button. It's above the fog lights button. I was looking for a button that said "ESP" on it and missed it right in front of my face !
Yup, the button is of a car and a swerving tire pattern.
By the way, all Kizashis have ESP. It's standard. The button is there so you can disable it certain conditions like if you need to rock yourself out of mud or snow.
I believe new federal regulations are requiring ESP to be standard on all cars.

Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:07 pm
by Moto
I believe you are correct.... any new vehicle after September 2011. They have to have it... It probably doesn't mean that it has to be good ESP.

Most of the cars that I have driven that have it are far worse when you loose control.

Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:54 pm
by Ronzuki
yep, 2008 SX4 optional by higher model selection. 2011, standard on base.

Moto, I've tested my Kizashi's AWD/ESP system on packed snow first winter I had it to see just how far it would go before it finally gave up the ghost and I couldn't agree more with your statement. Gotta know the limits of the machine right? Hard corner, hard throttle, at approx. 40mph and it held in astonishingly well to a point, and then, pretty much w/o warning, holy cow....what a disaster it would have been if I wasn't in control of my test's where, when and how parameters. I without a doubt believe this kind of tech gives the average driver a dangerously large false sense of security and is a contributing factor to why we see such horrific wrecks w/ modern day vehicles. I wouldn't have considered any such non-sense in one of my late 60's Chevelles or Impalas. Straight line, dry ground was another story.

Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:57 pm
by Speed_Racer
The engineers always have to balance the wants of the performance driver with the needs of the "average" (read: not proficient) driver when it comes to ESP.

If it jumps in too early, sport drivers and, more importantly, magazine reviewers complain which affects scores in comparison tests. But wait too long before ESP is applied and an average driver will be in over his/her head sawing at the wheel and tank-slapping beyond help.

Re: Kizashi in the Snow

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 2:02 am
by twoqttsdad
Hi kevvvinc,

My car makes that same sound after reving the motor. It comes up at 26 seconds in the vid.

Did your car always make that sound? Just wondering if that's a normal sound for the kiz.