Smart Key

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Does anyone know why after you start the car, you can drive the car without the key being anywhere near the car? Seems to defeat the purpose. My optima would not let you drive it. Maybe they want the carjacker to get far away? :roll:
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If I step away from the running car with the key, an alert beeps from the dash. Didn't happen?
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Aren't all smart key designed this way? It will start when the fob is in the required area but once you go past where the smart key can't be sensed, it will beep and display a warning message. Same thing with my previous Japanese car. It is possible to drive it once it started but can't restart it again without the smart key.

Are you saying your Optima will not allow you to switch gear and drive away without the smart key? Must be a Korean enhancement of smart key design :) .
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I was also surprised to discover the engine appears to keep running without the smart key. All it does is do the beeping and then display the key warning. I would prefer if the engine shut down after a pre determined time period of no key being present.
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Same here. Warning message in orange and beeps, but engine still idles.

Someone should test it and have someone drive off in the car without the key. See how far it goes and whether anything happens.
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Nothing is going to happen as long as the car isn't shut off or runs out of gas. Then you can't restart the car again without the fob
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I actually feel it's more safe this way...
If you demand the car to shut off the engine when the fob leaves the car, or after a certain amount of time... this would require the car to periodically ping your key for a response to make sure it is staying in the car (im assume the car pings the key when you open the door to see if you left the car with the key).

First of all... It's probably not a good idea to have something to be in continuous radio frequency xommunication in your pocket (you can argue how healthy it is to carry cell phone in that context too though). Also, imagine that you ARE in your car, driving, but somehow the ping failed (perhaps low battery, or just technical failure), one'd be pretty frustrated that the engine turns off when you the rightful owner is traveling at hgihway speed, or if you are climbing uphill. Additional features lead to more possibility of mechanical glitches.

In additionl, for traditional keys, you would Not leave the car running with the key in it while you leave the car (or maybe in a bad neighborhood), why would you do that with our sensor keys. The driver would be called stupid for leaving the car running with the traditional key in it in if the car got stolen... So why would we blame the car in our case if the car got stolen n if we left the car running while we are not there (even without the keyfob).

Just my two cents...
2011 Kizash SLS AWD
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@ipaqxman If I am not mistaken you live in NY. Most people in cold states start their vehicles and leave them to warm up. Which I do. IMO I think there should be at the least a time limit if the key fob is not near. Maybe 15min. This way if the battery dies or a malfunction occurs this gives you ample time to drive to a safe area. I have also read that this could be for Valet to park your car then you give them your fob when you return to the Valet.
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The system DOES ping the key regularly - otherwise how does it detect and warn you that the key isn't in range?

There are actually alarm systems that work on the same principle. They are designed so if you're car jacked the thief will only get a few minutes away due to the engine shutting down. With the Kizashi it's a free home run!
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@murcod. I assumed the car only pings the key fob when door(s)/window(s) opens to detect if the key fob leaves the car, else it would drain the battery fast. But that is only an assumption. It's a free home for the thief indeed if you leave the car running and go do errands... but I really don't think anyone should do that even as the technology advances. You wouldn't do that with the car ten years ago, why now... Just what I think.

@Kujo. I totally agree with you. There are lots of features like you suggested that would work great. But I feel often times things sound good on paper when designing, but may be impractical after production. For example, it would be great that we won't need to give the key to the valet, that the car would shut off after certain time, or after it's parked it cannot be restart (like now), but what if the valet needs a long time to find a spot, what if the car needs to be reparked, next thing you know your car will be in the middle of 5th avenue because your valet cannot get the car restarted. Also, I'd like to have a peace of mind knowing that my car won't turn off while I am driving, because technology DOES fail. Even with the most reliable car brand, with large production there will be a defect percentage. Look at one of the posts in the tech support section, the poster cannot even get into his car with his fob now. With increasing features as tech progresses, there are more chances for things to malfunction. Not saying we shouldn't add features, but when it MIGHT affect safety and when you can just turn the car off yourself when you leave the car... why bother.

Oh yes I used to have remote start on my old impreza, but don't wanna mess with the kizashi's system.

I am only typing so much because I don't feel like working during holidays...
2011 Kizash SLS AWD
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