Pictures not fitting on screen?

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Has anyone else been having an issue with excessively large pictures not fitting within the page? Many of the posters here like to post hi-resolution pictures on the site, which is awesome, but they tend to make certain posts unreadable for me. I've noticed the problem is worse in Firefox than it is in Chrome, but Chrome isn't much better.

Anyone else having this issue? Please see attachment.
PicsNoFitOnScreen.PNG (201.56 KiB) Viewed 37867 times
I just noticed that when I use the attachment function to add a picture and place it "inline" in my post, it keeps the picture in the frame properly. Is everyone else just using the img tags around their pics and that's what blows them out of the screen?
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I redact my previous statement about attachments fitting on the screen properly when you "attach" them. When I previewed this post, the frame seemed to be properly sized with scroll bar working properly. Then after I posted it, the frame got super big? Is this a PHP issue?
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You blocking java script by chance?
Untitled.jpg (140.99 KiB) Viewed 37863 times
Haaaa.... Never mind I see what you did there.

You are using the original theme which I never fixed because only two people use that theme.

There is a java fix for it, but it is kind of a pain in the butt so I'm not going to take the time to fix that theme.

Run an adblocker and switch back to the default theme.

User Control Panel -->Board preferences-->My board style: should be "Hestia"

You are currently using absolution.

I intend to update the entire site when I get the bugs worked out of the upgrade. All of the current themes will go in the trashcan. so I don't want to spend lots of time fixing random stuff.

To get even more technical this site is running on the last iteration of phpbb which is really a 2005ish based platform with a bunch of upgrades.

phpbb finally released a major update last October, but they did not make it super easy for old forums to upgrade if they have any mods which this site has many (Like the scrip to resize images). The process to get us moved over will be many steps and I'm going to end up taking the site offline for awhile.

I do have a test site up for the moderators to look at, but I haven't had time to mess with things for awhile.

Anyway, expect some major back end updates in the next few months. :roll:
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Sweet, I can read the whole posts now. :lol: Thanks!

Yeah, I can sympathize with not wanting to waste time fixing stuff that's going to get canned anyways.
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Sucks that phpbb made migration to their latest and greatest as bad as it was for vb3 owners to move to vb4. :(
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Thanks for posting the information.
Glad to see your posts.
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Hey everyone, I've been following this discussion about the issue with pictures not fitting on the screen, and I wanted to share some insights. It seems like there are a few factors at play here, including browser compatibility and the choice of theme.

One suggestion I have is to try using the attachment function to add pictures and place them 'inline' within your posts. This method seems to keep the pictures within the frame properly. Another recommendation is to ensure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser settings, as it could be affecting the display of images.
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I agree, I post tons of pictures in this forum and always use inline pictures never had a problem.
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